By Benjamin Benedict
Saturday, 7 December 2013
Monday, 2 December 2013
Our centre is crowded with course participants!..
Hello!..I'm back to this blog again. It has been hectic at our centre for the past two months. Most of the staff have been working tirelessly, ensuring each course participants to have an experience to last a lifetime.
I hope some of them will be able to share their stories.
I hope some of them will be able to share their stories.
This is Anglo-Chinese school from Sindumin Sipitang. It was mostly first time experience for the students comprising year 4 and year 6.
I'm glad I can share some stories from everyday Outward Bound!..through my mobile apps. Thanks to ICT. See you again in my next write up. Bye!...
By Benjamin Benedict
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Kem Kembara Thalassaemia 2013.
Seramai 78 peserta warga Thalassaemia dan diiringi oleh 10 orang staf sokongan dari Hospital Wanita dan Kanak-kanak(HWKK) telah menyertai Program Kem Kembara Thalassaemia 2013 pada 20-22 September 2013. Kem kembara selama tiga (3) hari dua (2) malam ini adalah bertujuan bagi memupuk semangat jati diri para peserta kursus serta memberi peluang untuk mereka untuk lebih mengenali diri masing-masing selain berkongsi pengalaman hidup sebagai pesakit Thalassaemia.
Walaupun peserta kursus tersebut mempunyai kekangan diri terutama dari segi kesihatan tetapi semangat motivasi mereka tidak pernah luntur malah sungguh memberangsangkan apabila mengharungi aktiviti mencabar yang diatur oleh Outward Bound Sabah (OBS).
Mereka telah diperkenalkan dengan satu konsep pembelajaran yang ringkas iaitu "PLAN-DO-REVIEW". Para peserta kursus diberi tunjuk ajar dalam merancang dan menyelesai tugasan yang diberikan secara berpasukan. Tugasan-tugasan yang diberikan dapat merangsang minda yang cerdas; pada masa yang sama membantu meningkatkan tahap kecergasan fizikal serta emosi.
Program yang diatur melibatkan para peserta berpeluang untuk bermalam di dalam khemah di luar bangunan (outdoor). Dengan menggunakan alas plastik dan tali, mereka mendirikan tapak perkhemahan 'seribu bintang' di kawasan OBS.
Aktiviti yang mencabar minda dan ketangkasan para peserta dalam acara 'team dynamics'. |
Semangat yang bersungguh-sungguh ditunjukkan oleh salah seorang peserta dalam membina khemahnya, bak kata pepatah - 'sediakan payung sebelum hujan'. |
Aktiviti mencabar yang lain termasuklah aktiviti 'flying fox', 'rock climbing', 'tree climbing' dan 'giant's ladder'. Walaupun ada yang gayat dan rasa takut, para peserta telah menunjukkan satu semangat yang luar biasa dengan dorongan dan semangat berpasukan yang tinggi.
Malam unggun api bertemakan 'Red Indian and the Wild Wild West' telah dianjurkan pada malam yang terakhir. Masakan ala BBQ dinikmati sambil menyaksikan kilauan matahari yang terbenam dari pantai OBS menyerikan suasana. Setiap kumpulan diberikan lapan minit bagi mempersembahkan bakat-bakat yang terpendam sambil disaksikan oleh jemputan khas Datuk Dr. Su Thain Lian, Ketua Jabatan Paediatik Hospital Wanita dan Kanak-kanak.
Aski-aksi lasak dalam acara 'Giant's ladder'. |
Walaupun kepenatan, senyuman para peserta tetap menyerlah. |
Kerjasama adalah tangga kejayaan. |
Pada hari terakhir, aktiviti lasak '4WD Challenge' menjadi cabaran terakhir buat para perserta kursus. Setiap peserta kursus serta staf sokongan hospital telah diberikan sijil penghargaan atas kejayaan mengharungi dan menjayakan Program Kem Kembara Thalassaemia 2013. Syabas dan tahniah kepada semua yang terlibat!
Ditulis oleh
Jamie Lee
Monday, 26 August 2013
Volunteers from Project Trust, UK excel in Outward Bound Sabah.
Project Trust is one of the longest established organization in United Kingdom, based at The Hebridean Centre on the island of Coll off the West coast of Scotland. This organization recruits volunteers to attend residential selection for suitability preparation which deals with culture shock, giving these young people the opportunity to learn about a wider community. Programme that designed allows the volunteers to learn using their imagination and skills by undertaking work that they may never have done before, to take up new interests and to utilize their initiative and resourcefulness to help others. It also enhance the objective of the programme by appreciating both the community they lived in overseas and their home community. The volunteers were taught to use their newly learned skills to benefits others and to have a clearer pictures of what they want to achieve in future.
In collaboration with Project Trust, Outward Bound Sabah was chosen to provide the volunteers a range of different skills. In July 2012, volunteers were sent to Outward Bound Sabah to undergo a year out attachment in the Educational Volunteering Charity Programme. Jenny Steward and Clea Halliday whom been selected into the programme were not tourist but as a valued member of a local community. The long term projects of 12-month gave them plenty of time explore The Land Below the Wind whilst working in the community.
Outward Bound Sabah took an effective path to change the way they look at the world. The volunteers were set in new challenges on daily basis as well as learning new skills to be applied in their future endeavours. They have to run the Outward Bound courses for people of all ages or background, that would be one of the main goals to improve self-confidence in its participation and encouraged teamwork and trust in the community. The Outward Bound courses are often physically and mentally challenging, includes setting up and supporting various activities such as kayaking, wall climbing, abseiling, trekking, sailing, rafting, camping and team games. The volunteers have been involved in different activities with the other instructors, including equipment maintenance, technical training and first aids. Recently, they were given an opportunity to hike and trek at the Crocker Range for 4 days 3 nights as well as sailing to the Dinawan Island which is approximately 4 kilometres away from the school base together with the other Project Trust's volunteers from Outward Bound Lumut, Malaysia.
Jenny Steward shared in her farewell speech on 6th August 2013, that she gained friendship, sense of togetherness and has grew as a person. Given a chance to master the local language; she is now able to speak to any local people here and also fluently sing 'Sayang Kinabalu' in her Scottish essence. She left home as a confused yet excited teenager and now she returned in a more confident, experience and motivated young adult. Outward Bound Sabah's family has really shaped her to be whom she wants to be in the future.
Clea Halliday(in blue) and Jenny Steward gave a speech in one of the
Outward Bound Staff Retreat Session.
Outward Bound Staff Retreat Session.
The volunteers and the staffs of Outward Bound Sabah went on a
4 days 3 nights expedition at Crocker Range recently.
4 days 3 nights expedition at Crocker Range recently.
The volunteers participated in the ridge Cleaning Project in early July 2013.
From (L): Alister Lee, Katie Dougan, Sukardi, Libby, Jenny and Evelyn.
From (L): Alister Lee, Katie Dougan, Sukardi, Libby, Jenny and Evelyn.
The Outward Bound Sabah's Instructor and the volunteers were
at Borneo Paradis Kinarut.
From (L): Edith, Evelyn, Farida, Jenny, Libby, Alister, Jatriya,
Benjamin Benedict (Assistant Director of Outward Bound Sabah) and Rechel.
at Borneo Paradis Kinarut.
From (L): Edith, Evelyn, Farida, Jenny, Libby, Alister, Jatriya,
Benjamin Benedict (Assistant Director of Outward Bound Sabah) and Rechel.
Farewell gift presented to Jenny Steward from Datuk Gabriel William
and his wife, Datin Teresa.
A group photograph of the staffs in Outward Bound Sabah
together with Jenny in her farewell party on the 6th August 2013.
together with Jenny in her farewell party on the 6th August 2013.
Written by: Jamie Lee Cyuen
(Business Development Executive of Outward Bound Sabah)
(Business Development Executive of Outward Bound Sabah)
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Pengalaman Saya Menjadi Peserta 20-Hari OBS Classic Challenge Course.
Name saya Ag Mohd
Dahlan @Awang mahu berkongsi serba
sedikit pengalaman, pengetahuan, pembelajaran, semasa saya mengikuti program 20-Hari Classic Challenge Course di Outward Bound Sabah (OBS).
Tanggal 15 Julai 2013, tarikh bersejarah dalam hidup saya sebagai salah seorang
peserta program Classic Challenge Course di OBS. Cerita saya bermula dengan penuh
kedinginan dan kekosongan. Wahhhhh!! Lucu pula rasanya mahu ingat semula telatah saya pada hari
pertama di OBS. CLIFFHANGER nama pilihan untuk kumpulan kami, rakan-rakan yang
lain pula ialah Uncle John@Jonathan, Elly, Jamie, Fast, Wan, Hilda, Dahlia, Jivan, Douglas.
Hari demi
hari berlalu semasa di OBS banyak mengajar saya tentang erti kehidupan, hidup
berdikari, cara berkomunikasi, bimbingan moral yang sangat baik dari instructor
tidak pernah saya lupa, thanks to our instructors Ira dan Leo. Pengalaman
yang paling menyeronokan yang tidak pernah saya lupa semasa merentas separa Banjaran Crocker, walaupun penat berjalan namun tetap diteruskan tolong-menolong depan-belakang. Keperihatinan dan rasa tanggungjawab jurulatih kami pada masa tersebut membuatkan diri saya dan ahli kumpulan yang lain kembali
bertenaga dan lebih bersemangat meneruskan aktiviti sehingga sampai ke destinasi.
Setelah empat
hari kami mengembara di hutan rimba bertemankan kehijauan alam semulajadi
berakhir dengan penuh makna. Indah rasanya berada di Banjaran Crocker yang penuh dengan kehijauan alam
yang di jaga rapi dari anasir yang tidak bertanggungjawab seperti pembalakan
haram, pembuangan sampah berleluasa, pembakaran hutan dan lain-lain lagi.
Pengembaraan kami tidak berakhir di situ kerana destinasi seterusnya kami pergi
ke Kampung Kaiduan di Daerah Papar. Selesai aktiviti di darat kami
diberi aktiviti di dalam air pula. Wahhhh!!!! Rasa semakin mencabar. Kami
diajar macam mana membuat rakit dan cara ikatan tali
yang betul. Kami dibahagi kepada dua kumpulan kecil dan meneruskan aktiviti berakit dengan penuh semangat. Dari pagi hinggalah ke petang kami menaiki
rakit dengan penuh cabaran, akhirnya kami sampai di kem OVAI di Kampung Kawang.
Keesokan harinya pula, kami meneruskan destinasi seterusnya daripada Kampung Simpudu sehingga ke muara sungai Papar di Kampung Pengalat. Aktiviti ini sangat
mencabar dari segi mental, kami semua stress apabila masuk kawasan paya
bakau dan ada yang sampai bertekak leher. Bermalam di pantai Kampung Pengalat
menjadikan kami sekumpulan kembali ceria apabila aktiviti luahan dilakukan, baik dan buruk
dari hati kami dapat kami kongsi bersama, terima kasih kepada jurulatih Johnny dan Leo. Semasa perjalanan pulang melalui Laut China Selatan dipenuhi dengan nyanyian yang merdu dan gembira. Setelah sampai ke OBS, kami terus ke aktiviti Solo Camp. Banyak pengajaran dan pengetahuan
yang dapat kami imbas kembali melalui semua aktiviti yang telah kami lakukan.
Saat yang
paling menyedihkan saya apabila tiba hari perpisahan dengan empat rakan dari
kumpulan kami iaitu Fast, Wan, Hilda dan Dahlia kerana mereka berempat tamat
lebih awal dari kami. Rasa sedih juga bila teringat saat Wan menangis tidak
sanggup berpisah dengan kami semua. Walaubagaimanapun enam orang 'survivor' yang lain perlu meneruskan program sehingga ke hari yang ke-20. Aktiviti kami seterusnya ialah kami di berikan tugasan mengurus satu syarikat penerbitan. Melalui aktiviti tersebut, kami di uji dari
segi ketahanan mental untuk mengurus perniagaan kami. Syukurlah kami dapat melaksanakan semua tugasan yang
di berikan dan kami dapat menghasilkan satu penerbitan dengan jayanya.
Seterusnya, gembira rasa
hati bila di beri peluang berjalan di bandar dan makan bersama-sama selepas aktiviti pencarian
khazanah bersejarah negeri Sabah. Keesokan harinya pula kami dibawa ke Rumah
Kanak-kanak Bondulu Toboh, Tambunan. Inilah pengalaman paling manis bagi saya selama ini
kerana kami diberi peluang membuat aktiviti bersama kanak-kanak di rumah tersebut. Setelah mendengar kisah-kisah hidup kanak-kanak di rumah tersebut, saya
rasa sangat sedih dan tumpang simpati kepada mereka semua kerana ada yang tiada ibu
bapa dari kecil, ada pula ditinggalkan ibu bapa kerana masalah rumah tangga
dan ada juga kerana faktor pendapatan yang rendah. Saya rasa sangat bersyukur
dengan apa yang saya ada sekarang ini, pada mulanya saya rasa saya ini sangat
susah dan jauh dari kasih sayang kerana saya pun sama seperti kanak-kanak di
Bondulu Toboh, iaitu anak yatim piatu, tetapi setelah
berkunjung ke rumah kanak-kanak Bondulu Toboh saya baru faham erti hidup dan
macam mana cara kita mahu memberi warna dalam kehidupan kita dari kegelapan
sehinggalah menjadi cahaya yang menerangi perjalanan hidup kita. Semangat hidup
dalam diri saya terbuka setelah berkunjung ke sana dan saya tidak akan lupa
inilah pengalaman paling manis dan bermakna dalam hidup saya.
Akhir sekali
dari cerita saya, bukan hanya sekeping sijil dan bukan hanya kekuatan fizikal
sahaja yang saya dapat dari program 20 hari CLASSIC CHALLENGE COURSE OUTWARD BOUND SABAH, tetapi yang paling
bermakna bagi saya ialah erti kehidupan, erti hidup berdikari, erti
persahabatan, erti kerjasama , erti bersyukur dan erti kasih sayang. Jutaan terima
kasih saya ucapkan kepada instructor yang telah membimbing kami dengan arif serta 'professional
skills' yang mereka kongsikan bersama kami sepanjang program ini di jalankan iaitu Instructor Ira
Farida dan Instructor Leo, tidak lupa juga kepada Instructor Johnny dan yang
Nama saya Awang, pensyarah yang paling mantap sekali...mai berdebat.
Berikutla, kawan-kawan kami yang meninggalkan kami pada hari yang ke-15.
Hasil ciptaan kami, syarikat baru Lighthouse meyebarkan maklumat dan berita hangat
dari Bilik Laporan Berita.
dari Bilik Laporan Berita.
Kami sempat lagi mengambil gambar dengan penjual kraftangan di KK semasa City Challenge.
Ditulis oleh Dahlan Del @ Awang.
Peserta Kursus 20 Hari CHC 15th July - 3rd August 2013
Peserta Kursus 20 Hari CHC 15th July - 3rd August 2013
Pada 15 Julai 2013, saya telah mengikuti satu aktiviti
mencabar di Outward Bound Sabah iaitu Classic Challenge Course (CCC) sehingga
03 Ogos 2013, yang mana mengambil masa selama 20 hari. Bukan hanya saya seorang
peserta aktiviti ini tetapi kesemuanya 10 orang yang terdiri daripada pelbagai
kaum dan bangsa di seluruh Malaysia. Peserta dari Sabah hanya 2 orang iaitu
diri saya sendiri dan Encik Ag. Mohd Dahlan, manakala yang lain dari Kuala
Lumpur, Sarawak dan Perak. Kepelbagaian kaum bukanlah halangan antara kami
untuk saling berkomunikasi dan mengenali antara satu dengan yang lain. Cina,
India, Melayu, Kadazan dan Brunei itulah kepelbagaian kaum yang wujud dalam
kumpulan yang kami namakan sebagai CLIFFHANGER!
Outward Bound Sabah (OBS) memberi kami peluang untuk
mengikuti aktiviti ini yang akhirnya membentuk kepimpinan yang mungkin
tersembunyi dan tidak pernah diasah selama ini serta kami lebih mengenali kemampuan
kami. Sememangnya cabaran adalah pilihan kita tetapi selagi kita tidak mencuba
selagi itu kita tidak tahu tahap kemampuan diri kita bukan saja dari segi
fizikal bahkan jua dari segi mentaliti kita. Pengalaman hanya boleh dikongsi
setelah kita mengalaminya sendiri, itu prinsip yang saya.
Biar pun telefon bimbit kami yang canggih tu terpaksa
diserahkan dalam jagaan jurulatih kami selama 20 hari, itu langsung tidak
menggugat semangat dan keyakinan kami untuk terus mencuba dan menyelesaikan
cabaran yang semakin hari semakin menguji kekuatan fizikal dan minda kami.
Namun begitu, tiada istilah BOSAN dan TIDAK BOLEH dalam melaksanakan kesemua
tugasan yang diberikan. Kami sentiasa bersemangat dan saling menyokong antara
satu sama lain. Tentulah banyak aktiviti yang boleh membuatkan kami berada di
tahap kesabaran tipis tetapi itu hanyalah sementara, berbanding banyak lagi
perkara di luar sana yang bakal kami tempuhi dan belum tentu ianya mencabar
seperti apa yang kami lakukan di sini.
Antara aktiviti mencabar yang kami lakukan adalah 'rope
course' iaitu 'rock climbing', 'tree climbing' dan 'flying fox'. Selain itu kami
berjaya menyudahkan ekpedisi merentasi Banjaran Crocker (trekking and hiking)
sejauh 25 km selama 4 hari 3 malam. Bah! Dari tidak pandai tengok peta dan
kompas, di sini terus pula pandai ni! Syoklah, sesat di hutan pun tidak takut
lagi sebab tahu sudah guna kompas kan! Sesudah itu, kami dihantar ke Sungai
Kaiduan, Papar untuk melakukan ekpedisi air iaitu 'rafting' yang jaraknya 10 km
dan mengambil masa 7 jam untuk tiba di 'check point' Kem Ovai, Papar. Seterusnya berkayak sejauh 17 km sehingga balik
semula di OBS. Fuh! Memang penat tu tapi tetap jua 'enjoy' bah! Our instructor,
Ira and Leo was very supportive, knowledgeable and act professionally in
handling people and tasks given. Proud of them!
Setiba di OBS kami meneruskan aktiviti refleksi diri dengan
solo camp. Wah! Yang ini memang best! Berkhemah dalam hutan seorang diri, tanpa
komunikasi dengan kawan-kawan. Apa yang perlu dilakukan hanyalah bermunasabah
diri sendiri, siapa diri kita dan apa objektif kita dalam hidup. Bagi saya solo
camp memang memberikan suatu ketenangan, bebas dari segala kebingitan
persekitaran, tiada gangguan langsung! Saya fikir solo camp ni kena masak
sendiri di hutan macam yang camping
selalu kena buat tu, rupanya makanan kena sedia pula, siap kena masak lagi tu.
Setelah 15 hari kami menempuhi segala macam rintangan yang
mendatang, akhirnya Fantastic 4 iaitu Hilda, Dahlia, Fast dan Wan berjaya jua
menamatkan misi mereka di OBS. Mereka membawa pulang pelbagai ilmu dan
pengalaman yang mereka dapat semasa berada di OBS selama 15 hari. Terasa sangat
kehilangan apabila keempat-empat mereka pulang ke tempat masing-masing kerana
ketika bersama mereka terasa suasana sentiasa penuh dengan keceriaan. Tapi apa-apa
pun, kami Fantastic 6 tetap jua meneruskan perjuangan kami yang hanya tinggal 5
hari saja lagi. Aktiviti 'scoop' iaitu membuat surat khabar untuk OBS benar-benar
menguji fokus kami untuk menyelesaikan semua tugasan itu. Almaklumlah, selama
ini kami hanya menggunakan fizikal saja untuk menyudahkan semua cabaran, tetapi
kali ini otak pula yang bekerja keras memerah idea. Huh! Macam2 ada, tidak
pandai abis-abis aktiviti ba.
Tanggal 01 Ogos 2013, kami melakukan lawatan komuniti di
Rumah Kanak-Kanak Bondulu Toboh, Tambunan (RKKBT). Ini pengalaman pertama saya melawat
kanak-kanak yatim bahkan ada jua yang yatim piatu. Semua kanak-kanak yang terdiri dari usia 3
tahun sehingga 19 tahun itu dijaga oleh para biarawati (sister). Tatkala
seorang anak bernama Angel (12) menceritakan serba sedikit mengenai kisah
hidupnya, semua orang mulai tersentuh. Saya sendiri pun macam tidak dapat tahan
sudah tu airmata tapi tetap jua menahan la. Kanak-kanak di sana sangat patuh
kepada arahan dan pandai berdikari. Di RKKBT kami melakukan aktiviti sukaneka
dengan kanak-kanak yang diatur dan diselenggarakan oleh kami Fantastic 6.
Sebelum itu, kami juga melakukan kerja amal dengan meratakan tanah di depan
rumah kanak-kanak tersebut. Pengalaman di RKKBT salah satu pengalaman yang sentiasa terlekat di hati dan
jiwa saya. Jika berpeluang, saya akan cuba untuk datang dan melawat anak-anak
di RKKBT semula. I hope so!
Akhir sekali, 'final challenge' kami berlari merentasi pantai
Beringgis Kinarut sehingga ke Pantai Melinsung yang jaraknya pergi dan balik
ialah 8 KM dan harus menamatkan larian dalam masa tidak melebihi 1 jam. Nah!
Ini kalilah, saya bukan pelari sukan bah, memanglah tidak dapat lari. Apa pun,
tetap semangat biar pun saya menamatkan larian 1 jam 7 minit. Bolehlah tu!
Pelari terpantas Douglas Lim, mengambil masa 36 minit menamatkan larian 8KM.
Usai aktiviti berlari, kami mula mengemaskan barang kami masing-masing di dalam 'dorm'. Majlis penyampaian sijil dihadiri oleh Pengarah OBS, Datuk Gabriel
William, Penolong Pengarah OBS, Encik Benjamin Benedict, semua jurulatih dan
peserta Fantastic 6.
Secara keseluruhan, OBS merupakan salah satu platform bagi
individu atau sesiapa sahaja yang mahu meneroka kekuatan dan kelemahan diri
kita dan kita masih berpeluang dan mempunyai pengetahuan bagaimana kita
mengatasi segala kepincangan yang masih ada di dalam diri kita. Banyak aktiviti
yang disediakan di OBS dan semua golongan individu boleh melibatkan diri dalam
kursus, kem jati diri dan sebagainya. Ini boleh membantu kita untuk terus
mencapai objektif kita dengan fikiran dan minda yang optimis. Terima kasih OBS
atas peluang dan pengalaman yang diberi!
Kami bersama barisan pelatih OBS yang berwibawa di GPS Park, Outward Bound Sabah.
Kami menempuh cabaran dalam ekpedisi Crocker Range yang mengambil masa 4 hari 3 malam.
Kami berkayak di Lautan China Selatan, dari Kampung Pengalat ke OBS dalam ekpedisi air.
Kami melakukan aktiviti CSR di Rumah Kanak-kanak Bondulu Toboh, Tambunan bersama kanak-kanak yang berumur 4 hingga 7 tahun.
Ditulis oleh Elly Sigim @ Ellyse
Peserta Kursus 20 Hari CHC 15th July - 3rd August 2013
Peserta Kursus 20 Hari CHC 15th July - 3rd August 2013
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Outward Bound Sabah, an international non-profit outdoor educational centre, based in Kinarut Sabah Malaysia, is seeking candidates to become INSTRUCTOR!
The job of an Instructor is "To conduct safe and quality Outward Bound Sabah courses and ensure participants achieve the course objectives".
The preference is as follows:
- Age 18 and above
- Able to swim, loves outdoor and physically healthy
- Interest in outdoor education
- Good interpersonal and communication skills
Selection program will be conducted at OBS center, if you are interested and meet the criteria, contact us to book your place!
088 - 750311 (Ms Elyna) or
email at
The job of an Instructor is "To conduct safe and quality Outward Bound Sabah courses and ensure participants achieve the course objectives".
The preference is as follows:
- Age 18 and above
- Able to swim, loves outdoor and physically healthy
- Interest in outdoor education
- Good interpersonal and communication skills
Selection program will be conducted at OBS center, if you are interested and meet the criteria, contact us to book your place!
088 - 750311 (Ms Elyna) or
email at
Friday, 14 June 2013
Striving For Excellence
The use of adventure as a process for learning is relatively new development in modern education. Some people may perceived it as an ancient approach to learning. Young people are placed in situations where they would be challenged and from which they would learn what character and leadership required to face the reality of life.
Outward Bound conducts courses of a highly strenuous, physically and mentally challenging nature in remote wilderness area. The wilderness is our classroom that provides the perfect adventure experience to our course participants.
However adventure involves elements of risk and uncertainty. It is crucial to have well trained staff to operate the activities because the safety of the participants depend on their expertise. It demands many skills and especially judgment, it simply cannot be taught in a single workshop or course. Therefore continuous learning is needed in order to achieve excellence.
The Department of Skills and Character Development at Outward Bound Sabah is responsible for training and re-training of Instructors so that they can perform at their best. The Instructors are the back bone of all our programs as they are the front line staff the directly affecting the participant's experience.
Recently from 10-11 June 2013, we organised the Basic Rescue Technique at our ropes course activity i.e giant ladder, flying fox, rock climbing etc. The training is important to refresh the skills of the instructors that will improve their judgment during emergency.
Written by,
Benjamin Benedict
Outward Bound conducts courses of a highly strenuous, physically and mentally challenging nature in remote wilderness area. The wilderness is our classroom that provides the perfect adventure experience to our course participants.
However adventure involves elements of risk and uncertainty. It is crucial to have well trained staff to operate the activities because the safety of the participants depend on their expertise. It demands many skills and especially judgment, it simply cannot be taught in a single workshop or course. Therefore continuous learning is needed in order to achieve excellence.
The Department of Skills and Character Development at Outward Bound Sabah is responsible for training and re-training of Instructors so that they can perform at their best. The Instructors are the back bone of all our programs as they are the front line staff the directly affecting the participant's experience.
Recently from 10-11 June 2013, we organised the Basic Rescue Technique at our ropes course activity i.e giant ladder, flying fox, rock climbing etc. The training is important to refresh the skills of the instructors that will improve their judgment during emergency.
Written by,
Benjamin Benedict
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Great Fund for Fun Educational Exploration
Tun Fuad Foundation has generously funded three organisation allowing participants from aged 13 to 55 years old to experience fun outdoor challenge at Outward Bound Sabah. Programme has divided into 3 batches, to allow participants from Sabah Cheshire Home, Rumah Kanak-Kanak Toboh and Sabah Society for the Blind, to take part in the Outward Bound Programme which took place from mid April to early June 2013.
The 3 - 5 days programme was designed with elements of high energetic yet educative activities to accommodate the objectives of the programme. participants took part in the high ropes challenges (e.g. abseiling, rock climbing and Flying Fox) as well as water courses which were sailing and kayaking in the South China Sea, journeyed to Pulau Dinawan approximately 4 kilometres from the school. All of them grasped an opportunity to camp on the island. whilst installed activities such as camp craft, bush cooking and Bonfire.
Datuk Chin Kui Bee, the Trustee of Tun Fuad Foundation said that this programme has brought great impact to the life of the participants and impressed to see the transformation in their life. She hoped that more participants to be given such opportunity in time to come. She was speaking to the children from Rumah Kanak-kanak Toboh in the closing ceremony at Outward Bound School on the 28th May 2013. Pn. Rosalind Chiew, the President of the Sabah Society for the Blind shared the same sentiment with Datuk Chin as she spoke in the closing ceremony on the 8th June 2013.
Written by,
Ms Jamie Lee Cyuen
(Jamie is OBS new Business Development Executive, from Kuala Lumpur)
The 3 - 5 days programme was designed with elements of high energetic yet educative activities to accommodate the objectives of the programme. participants took part in the high ropes challenges (e.g. abseiling, rock climbing and Flying Fox) as well as water courses which were sailing and kayaking in the South China Sea, journeyed to Pulau Dinawan approximately 4 kilometres from the school. All of them grasped an opportunity to camp on the island. whilst installed activities such as camp craft, bush cooking and Bonfire.
Datuk Chin Kui Bee, the Trustee of Tun Fuad Foundation said that this programme has brought great impact to the life of the participants and impressed to see the transformation in their life. She hoped that more participants to be given such opportunity in time to come. She was speaking to the children from Rumah Kanak-kanak Toboh in the closing ceremony at Outward Bound School on the 28th May 2013. Pn. Rosalind Chiew, the President of the Sabah Society for the Blind shared the same sentiment with Datuk Chin as she spoke in the closing ceremony on the 8th June 2013.
Written by,
Ms Jamie Lee Cyuen
(Jamie is OBS new Business Development Executive, from Kuala Lumpur)
Friday, 19 April 2013
Sabah Cheshire Home Program
"You are our source of inspiration; it made us work really hard to make this program successful but we were never bothered by that; because you have made the course so fun to run; we really enjoyed ourselves; I will personally volunteer myself to run another similar program in the future" says Rechel George, the Course Manager for the 5 Days Sabah Cheshire Home Program.
The program was sponsored by Tun Fuad Foundation and Co-organised by Outward Bound Sabah and Sabah Cheshire Home Kota Kinabalu. 20 students and officers consisting of bakery students, members of the Young Voices and single mothers attended the program.
Perhaps our society have too much negative perception and stereotype on these group of people. Although they are "disabled" but they have so much potential that we "the able people" failed to see.
They have proven to us that they have the same human spirit and strength to live happily in this world. They have climbed the Giant Ladder, they abseiled down the 40ft rock wall, they rode our 100m flying fox, they sailed to the island of Dinawan, they cooked and slept in the island...what more can you ask! Overall they have successfully completed our 5 days Personal Discovery Program.
Listening to their sharing at the closing ceremony is something extraordinary because you can feel the honesty that comes directly from the heart. The joy and appreciation were truly remarkable, I am sure many have been touched.
"Your disabilities is your opportunity" - says Dr Kurt Hahn, founder of Outward Bound. We all have our own "disabilities", only if we focus and reinforce our strength, we may discover new ways to improve our ability.
Thank you Tun Fuad Foundation for the opportunity!
Written by:
Benjamin Benedict
Monday, 15 April 2013
International Program Review for OB Sabah
The program review is a mandatory process undertaken by Outward Bound centers to gauge the standard and quality of services to the highest level. This process must be done every two years interval and it is conducted by two appointed senior staff members from other Outward Bound center.
The process involved the entire management team and staff of OB Sabah. The review looked at the standard practices and offered a different perspectives for improvement. It did not cover only standard practices but also the strategic planning of the organisation.
Obviously there have been plenty of learning opportunities happened during the review. From the staff perspective, it was an opportunity to share and learn from other experts.
Written by;
Benjamin Benedict
Monday, 11 March 2013
Program for American International School Dhaka
On the 21st
February 2013, the American International School Dhaka, arrived in Sabah to take part in
a 7 Days course at Outward Bound Sabah. 50 students
with over 10 different nationalities ages between 13 and 14 years were
accompanied by 5 teachers.
In the early part of the course, the group completed the ropes course challenge which include tree climbing, rock climbing,
flying fox and the Giant’s ladder.
The school then split into 4 teams whereby 2 groups tackled a two day one night jungle trek - a very
different experience to the busy streets of Dhaka; whilst the other groups
went on a sea expedition, sailing and rowing to Dinawan Island. The
groups later swapped to complete the other challenge.
the middle of this exhilarating fun-filled adventure course, the group took part in community
service together with locals from the surrounding area to help plant
trees and carry out a beach clean-up. It was a rewarding afternoon where 29 bags filled and 37 trees planted, all in aid of keeping Sabah a
natural wildlife paradise.
The ‘Adventure Course’ designed to develop the
participants leadership skills, basic survival skills and ability to work in a
team proved a great success with one student saying: “This course was an enlightening
experience, something I will never forget”.
This course
was both a challenge for the instructors and participants with the great array of
cultures and nationalities mixing together. The closing ceremony attended by
OBS Chairman, YM Tengku Adlin, OBS Executive Director YBhg Datuk Gabriel William and
OBS Assistant Director Benjamin Benedict was a great round up to a very
happening and vibrant week.
Written by Jennifer Stewart
Edited by Benjamin Benedict
Written by Jennifer Stewart
Edited by Benjamin Benedict
Thursday, 31 January 2013
OB Sabah brings smile to the children
This event was organised by Outward Bound Sabah (OBS) before the staff went for a break late last year! I thought it would be wonderful to write something about this event as OBS intends to organize another one this year and maybe much bigger scale!
Twenty children from Kinarut area were sponsored by OBS to attend this awesome party. A lots of games and gifts were presented to the children. The event started at 3 pm and finished at 7pm just right after sunset.
The event were supposed to be held at OBS beach but due to rain, we have to transfer everything to the boathouse. OBS Executive Director Datuk Gabriel William was present to present the gifts to the children.
It is great to see the smiles of the children as they played with "newly found friend". Their parents watched from the corner thinking what a wonderful world it is to have a genuine friendship among people.
Benjamin Benedict
Twenty children from Kinarut area were sponsored by OBS to attend this awesome party. A lots of games and gifts were presented to the children. The event started at 3 pm and finished at 7pm just right after sunset.
The event were supposed to be held at OBS beach but due to rain, we have to transfer everything to the boathouse. OBS Executive Director Datuk Gabriel William was present to present the gifts to the children.
It is great to see the smiles of the children as they played with "newly found friend". Their parents watched from the corner thinking what a wonderful world it is to have a genuine friendship among people.
Benjamin Benedict
Thursday, 24 January 2013
OB Sabah welcomes group from Hong Kong
Hello and how are you all? It is the new beginning of another journey for OB Sabah. Last year was a year to remember for OB Sabah as we surpassed the 28th year of existence. As an independent organisation, it is probably a good thing because we can have a lots of freedom to steer our direction.
The operations at OB Sabah reopens soon after the new year celebration. About 20 youths from Hong Kong Baptist University attended a 4 day adventure leadership program. Their program never missed out going into the rain forest of Borneo! Perhaps this is one of our main attraction for international clients to come to OB Sabah apart from our friendly and well trained staff.
This year OB Sabah plans to implement various strategies to improve the centre's facilities. No doubt that without financial backing from anybody, it is extremely difficult to raised the funds for capital improvement as the revenue is hardly enough to cover the operations cost.
Our commitment to the local students and youths remains priority as we continue to offer a highly subsidized rate for them. Many schools have started booking their programme with us as programme from overseas are also starting to fill our small capacity. All the best OBS!
By Benjamin Benedict
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